Blogger Outreach Service

Use Blogger Outreach As Your Secret Marketing Weapon

Bloggers are a powerful force in the digital world. Considered one of the most influential sources of information, a strong blog mention can propel your brand to success, while a detailed and unhappy review can turn into a public relations nightmare.

So how do blogs play into your outreach strategy? Is this highly influential digital space something you can utilize as part of your marketing efforts? While it’s great to get organic links and mentions in blog posts, these don’t always fall on our marketing timeline. The best way to get your brand in front of bloggers is through a blogger outreach program.

Why Do Bloggers Matter?

Successful bloggers have an engaged and loyal audience that they’ve built up through strategic content curation and marketing efforts. They aren’t just active on their blog, but also have a strong presence on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Because they know how to effectively market themselves, they can also help market your product to their audience.

Most bloggers have found and created their custom niche, which makes it easier for them to identify what type of content will appeal to their audience. Additionally, this allows you to scope out who the popular bloggers are in your industry with little effort, and thus tailor your content reach accordingly.

In essence, blogs provide a content marketing opportunity that is already primed for success.

Blogs Provide Trusted Reviews

Surveys show that consumers trust reviews, with 88% indicating that they always or sometimes consult them before making a purchase. This makes blogs a valuable content marketing opportunity, as they offer a ready-made source of trusted information. Between 81-99% of people surveyed said they trusted information from blogs, making them a highly trusted source of information.

When a blogger mentions your brand in a positive light, it helps build consumer trust and goodwill. Bloggers can act as powerful influencers, shaping how potential customers view your product. A favourable mention from a well-respected blogger can go a long way in helping you build a strong and positive brand image.

Blog outreach is an important tool for marketers because it can assist your brand in multiple ways. Outreach has been shown to improve sales, increase awareness, and improve SEO rankings. Blogs can also help improve engagement through social media buzz.

Creating A Blogger Relationship

There are two different ways for clients to generate relationships with bloggers: a widespread campaign or a more personal relationship. Both strategies have their advantages, and your brand may opt for different strategies at different times.

A widespread campaign generally refers to an outreach campaign that is designed to gain attention from a large number of blogs in a relatively short period. This type of campaign often relies heavily on link-building to be successful. If you have events, scholarships, or product launches coming up, this approach may be a good option for you. However, it is also worth noting that this is generally the approach that results in the most denials from companies and bloggers, simply because there is not usually a close relationship between the parties involved.

Developing a relationship with a blogger can be a great way to get your brand out there. bloggers can help introduce your brand to their audience, and over time, you can build up a collection of mentions that will feel more authentic to potential customers. When positioning yourself, think about what kind of product or service would be a natural fit for a particular type of blogger. For example, you could be the go-to snack for a popular hiker, the favoured cleaning product of a mom blogger, or the go-to stock market app for a financial writer.

Not All Mentions Are Equal

Merely being mentioned on a high-quality blog can be beneficial for improving SEO and awareness. What is even more advantageous, however, is when these mentions feature a recommendation, review, or practical example of your brand being used.

It’s important to remember that when pursuing outreach opportunities, you’ll need to give potential influencers the information they need to write about your product. 87% of consumers read blogs or check social media before making a purchase, so the information these writers have must be accurate and up-to-date. By giving them the tools they need, you can ensure that your product is getting the positive exposure it deserves.

  • When sending your outreach, provide a description of the good or service you’re offering.
  • Make sure your brand is well represented in your logo and brand message. If you have a social impact, be sure to communicate that.
  • To ensure that your blog post receives the attention it deserves, be sure to include high-quality visuals. If you don’t have the time or resources to create original images, videos, or infographics, many sites offer free stock photos.
  • It’s important to answer questions that potential customers have about your brand. Be responsive to inquiries about how your brand works, available options, and company favourites. This way, you can build trust with potential customers and show them that you’re knowledgeable about your brand and products.
  • Be as specific as possible about your needs. Do you need a post by August 15th? Where do you want to publish this content (internal or external)?

Develop your blogger outreach to collaborate with content influencers in a way that facilitates sharing for all parties.

How To Find Quality Bloggers?

There are a variety of blogger outreach tools available for your convenience, including but not limited to Buzzstream and the use of scraper tools. Tweepi allows you to research potential Twitter connections. aHrefs allows you to compare competitors using keywords. You may also opt to do manual research by sifting through Google searches or exploring well-known industry names. Don’t forget to ask the writers you already know as they may be able to offer a referral.

After you’ve gathered all of your data, you’ll want to compile it into a list format for ease of use. The next step is to narrow down your options by looking at things like DA (domain authority) and monthly traffic. If you find that a site hasn’t been updated in years or is difficult to read, it’s probably not worth your time. You should also look into things like the number of social media followers a blogger has as this can give you an idea of their reach and whether their message is in line with what you’re trying to achieve with your brand.

Take some time to read through the blog’s existing content to get a feel for the quality of the writing as well as the topics covered. This will come in handy when you’re evaluating the blog and determining if it’s a good fit for your brand. In addition to reading actual blog posts, also take a look at the homepage, sitemap, and comments section. The comments section will give you insight into both audience engagement and the blogger’s ability to moderate the conversation.

Tips For Pitching Blogger Outreach

Pitching is a lot like applying for a job – you only have one shot to make a good first impression. Most people will scan your pitch before deciding whether or not to read on, so it’s important to make sure the beginning of your message is impactful. Some tips for writing an effective pitch include:

  • Pitch to a specific person by name instead of using a general term like “to whom it may concern.”
  • Customizing your subject line so it’s more than just a generic “Hello” – make it specific to what you’re offering or what you want from them.
  • Including personalized details in your pitch. Instead of saying something generic like “I love your blog,” try mentioning something specific that you enjoyed, like “I loved reading their analysis of green building materials for sheds.”
  • Explaining why you’re reaching out in the first place. Be specific about what your goals are and why you think they could help you achieve them.
  • Backlink to your website Before going into detail about content prospects, the majority of bloggers will want to review you and your brand.

Remember that when it comes to blogger outreach services , quality always trumps quantity. Having a poor strategy when attempting to reach out to bloggers can result in several negative consequences for your brand, including making your brand appear untrustworthy, being penalized by Google, or even being labelled as spam. To avoid these outcomes, take the time to construct detailed and researched plans before trying to create relationships with bloggers. When done correctly, blogger outreach can be an extremely valuable marketing tool for brands. Blogs can provide potential customers with the missing link between hearing about your product and purchasing it.